Troop 61 BSA Court of Honor
Hello All
I can’t believe our scouting year is coming to an end tomorrow night
Tomorrow nights Meeting is the Court of Honor
Awards and Rank recognitions are presented
If any one has photos from any scouting event (webelo or boy) this past
year or others
And would like to share them with the troop, please bring them along,
we’ll have a table set up at the beginning of the meeting.
We do have a few activities for this summer:
First is the Sudbury Town 4th July Parade- there will be a sign up
sheet at COH
Then Summer Camp July 16-21- Coming fast
The White Water Rafting (ALL WELCOME TO ATTEND) August 19-21-
permission Slip, Forms and Moneys due Ed Wetherbee by July 8th
In September our annual district fall Camporee is Sept 29-Oct 1
Also Scouts should be dressed in full Class A Uniforms for COH
Scout meeting will resume September 13th
Thank you,
Paul Arsenault