Welcome to Troop 61

Sudbury, Massachusetts

Green Bar 9/25/06 - Minutes

Green Bar — September 27, 2006 @ 12:07 pm

Troop Meeting Itinerary (9/27/06)

Service: Nighthawks 7:30 - 7:40
Camporee Prep,
7:40 - 8:10
Washburn Prep 8:10 - 8:20
Patrol Elections,
8:40 - 9:00

Other Minutes:

  • Full uniform is mandatory at troop meetings (including pants)
    • 2nd week of month: class B is required
    • All other weeks of month: full uniform is required
    • Uniform inspection will occur
  • Discussed Doty’s Court of Honor
  • Discussed Youth Protection

Troop 61- Youth Protection Night, Camporee, Washburn Island

Announcements — September 25, 2006 @ 7:19 am

Hello All Scouts, Parents and Scouters

As you all should know by now our new scouting year has started and our
Troop has many planned activities and events coming up, Please find
attached Activity Calendar. I put some people’s names as the Adult
leader for some Activities. Please confirm with me if it’s ok?


All Parents, Scouters and any Adult involved with the Troop that doesn’t
have current Youth Protection Certificate Should Attend this weeks
meeting. The training will start promptly after opening ceremony.

For some scouting activities, Youth Protection Training (YPT) is
mandatory — Philmont, Sea Base, and maybe even some local council
events. Our troop comes just short of requiring adults to take the
training, instead highly recommending an annual or bi-annual renewal for
any adult involved with troop activities. The training does take the
full scout meeting time, so be ready to spend a good 90 minutes or more
at the session. We’ll alternate between video segments and
discussion/reflection segments. When we’re done, participants will be
aware of different kinds of child abuse, how to recognize and deal with
situations, and how to obtain additional help. The BSA fully supports
the program and encourages each adult to participate in the training.
There is a companion program geared to scouts that the troop may decide
to present for our scouts.

Ok now for the fun stuff (Camping)

Our district’s Camporee is this coming week end- Friday Sept 29 to Oct 1
at Camp Resolute

Scouts will be able to sign up at this weeks meeting, but they’ll need
$9. For food

And to have the permission slip sign by parent at this meeting.

Next is a trip we’ve had on the calendar for the last year Is Canoe trip
to Washburn Island in Falmouth, MA

We’ll leave Oct 7, AM return the 8th, PM. Our troop has 8 canoes reserved .

We’ll canoe, camp on island, go fishing, Clamming and hike

We haven’t started a sign up sheet yet, Please ask your son if he’s
interested and let me know

Their will be sign up sheet and permission forms at this week’s meeting

Our troop needs an Adult volunteer to help with the Food for scouting

Basically scouts distribute bags to neighbors to collect food for local

I have the info, *If** any one can lead this Program it will be greatly
appreciated. Please contact me*

* *

Thank you,

Paul Arsenault

NABS Bindery Service

180 Elm St. Waltham, MA. 02453

Ph. 781-899-7719

Fax 781-899-7715


Fall Camporee - September 29-Oct1st

Announcements — September 21, 2006 @ 6:59 am

The 2006 Fall Camporee is almost here - *it will be held from Friday
night September 29th through Sunday morning October 1st at Camp Resolute.*
The Camporee is a great event where the Scouts are able to work as
a patrol team to compete against other Troops in fire building, bridge
building, chariot races, knot tying, orienteering, communication skills
like Morse code and semaphore flags, using first aid skills and more!
A good opportunity to practice skills already learned and also pick up
some new ones. It is also a good opportunity for new Scouts to complete
some of their cooking requirements for the Second and First Class rank.
Adults are more than welcome to join us for the weekend!

Hopefully, you were able to pick up the information at last night’s
Troop meeting. If not, I have attached the paperwork you need,
including the permission form which must be completed to attend the
Camporee. We will meet at the Church at 6pm on Friday night Septemeber
29th to leave for Resolute. Scouts need to pack a lunch and snacks for
Saturday as they will involvd with events during the day and not return
to the campsite.

Scouts who indicated they would like to go are:

Tommy H
Charles K
Charles E
Joe M
Matt D
Justin V
Jason P

It is not to late to sign up! Please let me know if you plan to attend
- this will help with final planning!

Email or call with any questions.

Joe Eyermann
(978) 443-5668 (home)
(781) 839-4599 (work)

Enlisting help for Eagle Scout Court of Honor!

Announcements — September 21, 2006 @ 6:59 am

Sudbury Day Volunteers wanted

Announcements — September 11, 2006 @ 2:54 pm

Hi All,

And for those who can’t make it to the Expo, we have a request for help
from any available Scouts with _Sudbury Day_. It’s a great opportunity
for community service hours, both for Eagle and for High School
graduation, and it would be nice to put Troop 61’s face out there as
willing to help in town when needed. Let me know if any of you are able
to help and I will forward your contact information.

They need the following: /”T//he event is September 16th, so the sooner
the better, but we will take anyone and everyone up til the last
minute. We need help with children’s pavilion activities, setup,
cleanup. Thanks so much!” /
*The request comes from* Debbie Howell 440-8269.
Let me know how you make out.

Anne Fogarty

* * *