Archive for the 'Announcements' Category
Memorial Day Parade 2018
Nine Boy Scouts from our Troop walked with the Sudbury American Legion Post 191 in the Memorial Day Parade. Our Troop carried nine flags, 4 that represented the Army, Navy, AirForce and Marines along with the POW flag, American Legion flag, Troop 61 flag and the American flag.
A Troop 61 Scout’s Seabase Experience
Sea Base was an amazing trip, I learned a ton about sailing and about other people from Troop 61. When you share 75 feet with 23 people than it’s bound to get personal. Every day we were raising the sails and helping sail the ship. We also snorkeled 2 reefs which was super […]
Calendar of events
2013-2014 Calendar of events has been published: Troop 61 Calendar
Scout equipment guide
What equipment should you or your scout bring on a scout camping trip or overnight? What should you buy? What does the troop have to borrow? Where can you find equipment for affordable prices? See our recommend Equipment Guide to answer these questions.